.HK Domain Name
Domain Name is the address of Internet. The function of it is similar to IP (Internet Protocol). While an IP address is normally complex and long, a meaningful and simple domain name would make it easier for visitors to remember your site.
Contract Period | Per Domain Name (.hk) (.香港) | Per Domain Name (.idv.hk) (.個人.香港) | Per Domain Name (.com.hk/.org.hk/.net.hk/.edu.hk) (.公司.香港/.組織.香港/.網絡.香港/.教育.香港) |
1 Year | HKD 250 | HKD 150 | HKD 200 |
2 Year | HKD 500 | HKD 300 | HKD 400 |
3 Year | HKD 650 | HKD 380 | HKD 500 |
5 Year | HKD 1050 | HKD 550 | HKD 800 |